Paul Ramsay Foundation CEO, Professor Glyn Davis AC, advised today that the Foundation had established a Sustaining our Partners taskforce to support its existing partners through the COVID-19 crisis.

“We need to work closely with our current partners through this period. Consequently, a dedicated taskforce will be led by Chief Capability Officer, Ms Jo Taylor, through the pandemic period.

“It is formed to help partners through the financial and operational shocks they may experience.

“The not-for-profit sector, like all others in our economy, is experiencing many great challenges and uncertainties.

“The Foundation has a duty of care to support our existing partners in the important work they do. We take this obligation most seriously.

“The Foundation team, led by Jo, will work with a dedicated team of experts from Social Ventures Australia to swiftly provide free and expert advisory services to existing PRF partners.

Professor Davis emphasised that while the Paul Ramsay Foundation board is acutely aware of – and sympathetic to – the financial stresses in the broader not-for-profit sector, it would continue its longstanding policy of not accepting unsolicited proposals.

“Our key priority at this stage is to support our partners through this crisis and to identify opportunities to support already disadvantaged communities now suffering the double blow of bushfire recovery and the pandemic.

“We are a highly professional and hard-working team. We are, however, small in number and simply cannot act on the deluge of unsolicited proposals we are receiving at this time”, Professor Davis said.

The Foundation continues to work on a package of measures to address bushfire recovery and the COVID-19 crisis.

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