Learn more about Open Support

Open Support is a specialist domestic and family violence organisation, providing safe accommodation and support to women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. In 2022, they were awarded a Strengthening Early Years grant from PRF to expand their child wellbeing program.

The program is designed to benefit children who have experienced domestic and family violence across Western Sydney, the aim of which is to support children to move towards healing after being in a domestically violent household. PRF's grant will provide funding for a Child Wellbeing Advocate.

CEO Katie Viviers, interviewed in the below video, says the program, "creates structure, and services tailored to infants and young children. It might be around school preparedness; it might be around activities and managing trauma that's really set up for children specifically."

One Open Support client says, “Me and the kids moved out because of domestic violence... and mainly I wanted the kids to be happy.

“It was so easy for me to make friends with the ladies [at Open Support], and I think we all needed it, because we experienced the same thing.”  

"My hope for the women who have been through our service," continues Katie, "is that they have confidence, hope and autonomy to do whatever they want in their lives going forward."

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