The Paul Ramsay Foundation today announced the appointment of respected investment professional, Chris Cuffe, to its investment committee.

Foundation Chair, Michael Traill, said he was delighted that Mr Cuffe was bringing his depth of experience and expertise to the investment committee.

“Chris’ background as the former Chair of UniSuper and in a range of leadership positions in funds management will be invaluable to us.”

“Chris is also deeply aligned to the values of the Foundation. His role in establishing the pioneering Third Link Growth Fund and as Chair of ASX-listed Hearts & Minds Investments speak to his deep philanthropic commitment.”

Mr Cuffe said he was excited by the opportunity to be involved.

“The Paul Ramsay Foundation is remarkable in terms of its size and the quality of its people. I look forward to working with the investment committee to ensure we bring a thoughtful, long-term focus to investment allocation.”

The Foundation has also appointed private wealth manager, Koda Capital.

The investment committee, chaired by Michael Traill, is a sub-committee of the Foundation board and manages a corpus of approximately $800 million.

The appointment of Mr Cuffe follows the sell down of a 10.9% shareholding in Ramsay Health Care by the Foundation last September.

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