The Paul Ramsay Foundation (PRF), Australia’s largest charitable foundation, today announced a change in leadership.

Professor Glyn Davis AC has stepped down from his CEO role at PRF to take on the role of Secretary at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, reporting to the Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia.

Professor Kristy Muir, PRF’s Chief Alliances Officer, steps into the acting CEO role, effective immediately.

PRF Board Chair, Michael Traill AM acknowledged Professor Davis’ contribution to the Foundation as “critical to building the foundation, from the ground up” but equally acknowledged the opportunity to serve the country as one too important to pass up.

“The job that Glyn has done, in taking this fledgling Foundation, with enormous potential, to a highly strategic, impactful organisation is something for which I and the board will be forever grateful.

“His compassion, his insights, and his drive to achieve social change will all no doubt serve him well in his new role, an incredible opportunity to serve the country,” said Traill. “We wish him all the very best in this new role and know that he will be an asset to the incoming government.”

Traill also advised that the board had elected Professor Kristy Muir to take the helm in the interim.

“Kristy is a seasoned CEO in her own right, and she has the trust and support of the board and the team, to take this role in the interim. Consistent with standard best practice we will be conducting a formal search process commencing in the short term.”

Professor Davis said that he was saddened to be leaving his “exceptional team” but is looking forward to the next chapter and the opportunity to join the public service in this role.

“The Paul Ramsay Foundation is a force for a fairer and more equitable Australia. I am confident it will go from strength to strength in achieving meaningful social change. With the guidance of our exceptional board and team, this great organisation will continue to flourish,” said Professor Davis.

To read the Prime Minister’s announcement, please click here.

Glyn Davis transitions out of the CEO role immediately and Kristy Muir will step in. Glyn’s last day at PRF is Saturday, June 4, at the Yirranma Place Community Open Day.

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