Media release first published on the Philanthropy Australia website here.

April 30th, 2020

Several of Australia’s leading philanthropists have signalled their commitment to supporting grantees and partners through the COVID-19 pandemic, as the ongoing health crisis places strain on communities and risks triggering a national cycle of disadvantage and hardship.

The Paul Ramsay Foundation, The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund and the Atlassian Foundation have joined more than 40 other philanthropic funders in signing on to Australian Philanthropy’s Response to the COVID-19 Crisis public statement.

Launched on 6 April by Philanthropy Australia, the statement outlines eleven key principles for philanthropic funders to adapt within their own funding context to support grantees and partners.

Paul Ramsay Foundation CEO, Glyn Davis, said: “This crisis places a generation at risk of falling into cycles of disadvantage. We must break these cycles before even more people become trapped.

“The Paul Ramsay Foundation is proud to stand with our partners and the thousands of people who strive to make Australia a better place. Our efforts are needed now more than ever.”

CEO of The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund, Leonard Vary, said: “Inspired by the example of Sidney Myer during the depression, the Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund have always been ready to stand by Australians during hardship and crisis. And we have always supported the thinking, creativity and innovation that is at the heart of our nation.

“The extent and depth of this crisis demand that now, more than ever, those of us who provide that supportive role come together to present a united resource to help defy the crisis’ worst impacts.

“The Myer family’s commitment to giving has been a constant across several generations. As key entities of Myer family philanthropy, the Sidney Myer Fund and The Myer Foundation have never lost sight of the need to focus on the priorities that have come into even sharper focus during this emergency.

“We know the months ahead will place a great strain on Australian communities, many of whom are already dealing with the great burden of the summer bushfires. By making an urgent, concerted and strategic response, we believe philanthropy can help Australians tap into their unique capacity for adaptation and resilience.’’

Atlassian Foundation’s Head of Foundation, Mark Reading, said: “Atlassian Foundation is doing its very best to maximise the support the Foundation provides and to minimise any burden their reporting requirements might impose.

“COVID-19 is unprecedented in the impact it is having on non-profits and social enterprises. These great organisations deserve our support, now more than ever.”

Philanthropy Australia CEO, Sarah Davies, said the growing number of signatories to the statement highlighted the unwavering commitment of Australian philanthropic funders to support their grantees and partners in the face of adversity.

“Philanthropy has a central role to play in supporting our communities and our not-for-profit sector through this difficult time; the commitment of the philanthropic sector to step up and provide ongoing, strategic and meaningful support is unequivocal.

“Philanthropy Australia recognises the commitment of all the signatories who have signed on to the statement. We look forward to welcoming more signatories from across the funding spectrum over the coming weeks and months as we continue to address the challenges of COVID-19.”

Australian Philanthropy’s Response to the COVID-19 Crisis statement can be viewed here.

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